A Complete A-Z Pineapple Guide On All Things Comprehensive Car Insurance

Table of Content

1. What is Comprehensive Car Insurance?: A total unpacking2. What does Comprehensive Car Insurance cover?3. When does Comprehensive Car Insurance matter?4. Is it for me?5. Is Comprehensive Insurance worth it for an old car?6. What if my vehicle is stolen or written off?7. Where to from here?


October 2, 2024
Team Pineapple

TL;DR - Our version of "I'm not reading all that, *SparkNotes pls."

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Think of it as your car's superhero—protecting you from both the bad guys (accidents) and the natural disasters (hail, theft, etc.). It’s the most extensive form of insurance, covering damages to your car and others.
  • Excess and Premiums: Picture a seesaw—raise one (your excess), and the other (your premium) drops. This balance helps you control your insurance costs based on your budget.
  • Additional Perks: Some policies come with extras like roadside assistance, so you’re not stranded when life throws you a flat tire. It’s like having a trusty sidekick!
    Who Needs It:
    If your car is your pride and joy, or you just want peace of mind on the road, comprehensive insurance is your go-to. It’s especially essential if you’re financing or leasing your vehicle.
  • Why Pineapple: Fast, friendly, and fun—Pineapple lets you get a quote quicker than cooking instant noodles and tailors your coverage to fit your lifestyle.

You’ve finally learned about short-term vehicle insurance (yay!) and that for a small monthly fee, referred to as your premium in the insurance world, you can pay to protect your car from accidents and other damages.

But just when you thought it was all said and done, you learn that not all short-term car insurance types are created equally.

For instance, why is Comprehensive Car Insurance so popular amongst motorists?

A quick 8-minute read is all you need to walk away with an impressive and thorough knowledge of Vehicle Insurance. Read ahead to comprehend the craze surrounding Comprehensive Car Insurance.

What is Comprehensive Car Insurance?: A total unpacking

We call it "comprehensive" because it covers a wide range of potential crises, not just events caused by damage from accidents. That’s why, at times, it’s even referred to as "other than collision coverage" because it covers things that are not only caused by collision.

In this way, it differs from other insurance types like Third Party Vehicle Insurance, which is a more basic coverage option and only covers damages sustained by another vehicle in the event of an accident. If your car is damaged through your fault, you will have to cover the repair or replacement costs yourself.

Back to Comprehensive Car Insurance, your vehicle is insured for everything, and we mean everything.

The coverage includes risks such as hijackings, vandalism, and natural disasters and covers more than any other type of motor vehicle insurance. It covers Third Party liability as well.

What does Comprehensive Car Insurance cover?

As we just mentioned not even a minute ago, your car is covered for everything with Comprehensive Vehicle Insurance. But we know that as much as you enjoy the freedom of choice, too much of a good thing can be harmful.

So let’s break ‘everything’ into smaller, more manageable bites of Pineapple-fresh information.

How do I benefit?

Here’s a complete A-Z list of how you can benefit from Pineapple’s Comprehensive Car Insurance:

A: ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE. Did your car get a boo-boo? No problem.

B: BETTERMENT. Our insurance’s main aim is to place you, the Policyholder, in the same position as before the loss.

C: CREDIT SHORTFALL. The difference between the total amount owed to a registered credit provider (under the National Credit Act regulations) as of the date of the loss or damage and the Retail Value of the Car.

D: DIGITAL: Technology is king, and the power is now in your hands. Get a quote, buy a policy, complete your pre-inspection and place a claim all on our app and website.

E: EMERGENCY ASSIST. Pineapple offers 24/7 roadside assistance as well as towing. Car accident? No battery? No fuel? We’ve got you.

F: FIRE. Any accidental damage caused by fire is no hassle for us.

G: GET ‘BLESSED’ WHEN YOU DRIVE LESS. Get a 30% discount each month you drive under 300km, courtesy of the Drive Less, Get Blessed benefit.

H: HELLOPETER. You can breathe a lot easier knowing that your insurer comes highly favoured; Pineapple holds a *9.7 out of 10 rating on Hellopeter (a rating and reviews service allowing consumers to share their experiences, whether good or bad, read about other people's experiences).

I: INSTANT. Getting a quote for your car no longer has to be a struggle; Pineapple promises to present your premiums in 2 minutes.

K: KEY REPLACEMENT. A lost key is not an issue; we’ll replace it subject to the limit specified in your policy.

L: LIABILITY. If you are held liable for another person's accidental death, injury, damage to property or vehicle damage, Leave it all to us.

M: MONTHLY. All policies are monthly, and the cover is on a month-to-month basis, payable in advance, so you’re free to change your mind at any time. But with how well we treat you, we wonder if you’d ever want to switch.

N: NEW VEHICLES. If you are the first registered owner of a new vehicle within 12 months of its first registration, a total loss will result in us paying you the retail value of your car.

O: OPEN DRIVER POLICY. Declaring a secondary driver is unnecessary; if an individual is 18 years or older, has a valid South African driver’s licence and has the policyholder's permission, they can drive the car.

P: PREMIUM. Pineapple offers you budget-friendly competitive premiums that won’t break the bank.

Q: QUOTE. Life happens when you least expect it. So if you cannot activate your policy immediately, rest assured because quotes are valid for 30 days.

R: RETAIL VALUE. Your vehicle is insured for its total retail value. So in the event of a total loss, you will be compensated based on the current Retail Value applicable to the Vehicle at the time of the incident.

S: SASRIA. Also included in your policy is SASRIA, which protects your insured items against damage caused by civil commotion, war, public disorder, strikes, riots and terrorism.

T: TRANSPARENCY. Our live community feed will show you what is being insured and claimed for.

U: USE. The use description needs to be correctly determined, as this influences the premium charged and will affect the validity of any claim submitted.

V: VEHICLE ACCESSORIES. Any non-standard vehicle accessories or parts may be covered by the insurance, provided that you make us aware of what they are and how much they cost.

W: WINDSCREEN & WINDOW. We will replace or repair the glass for a cracked or broken windscreen/window. And to top it all off, a separate, lower excess amount may apply.

X: *XCESS. (See *excess) This small amount, relative to the rest of the claim, protects the community from over-claiming for minor damage incidents. So before we pay out your claim, you take on the responsibility of first paying in your excess.

Z: ZZZZ. You will never lose a minute of sleep stressing over the small stuff. We’ve got you. The best benefit is the peace of mind we’re giving you. It’s our problem-free philosophy.

We might’ve missed a letter or two, but we’ll be the first to admit the alphabet has gotten more challenging since we first learned it in Grade 1.

Should there be any other insurance terms that you need to decode, check out our comprehensive encyclopaedia for all things comprehensive insurance.

When does Comprehensive Car Insurance matter?

Comprehensive Vehicle Insurance matters when your car suffers unforeseen damages, accidents or losses. With this kind of cover, you can avoid the risk of paying for any repairs out of your pocket, whether it’s your car or someone else's.

Unlike other insurance types, which offer you the bare minimum in car insurance, comprehensive car insurance goes the extra mile by putting you back in the same financial place before an incident happens.

So if anything were to happen to your car, you’d be able to afford the same make and model as a replacement.

Is it for me?

Don’t you hate when a question is answered with another question? Well, that’s too bad because I’ve got a few for you:

“Do you want protection against financial loss in the event of an accident or theft?”

“Would you like support if you're ever stranded in an emergency?”

“With high living costs, how best can you protect your car against rising inflation?”

“Can you handle damages to your car Insurance for natural and man-made disasters?”

If you answered “Yes” to all of these questions, I’ve got news for you…


An infographic explaining everything you need to know about comprehensive car insurance

Is Comprehensive Insurance worth it for an old car?

Comprehensive Car Insurance differs from a Hollywood film executive; it will not discriminate based on age. Your older model beauty is just as valid as any newbies of the same make driving around these lovely South African streets.

An old (or, as I like to call it, pre-loved) car can also benefit from comprehensive cover by being insured for its retail value. The value is simply adjusted for deterioration (as relevant) at the time of the loss.

So whatever the car is worth at the time of insuring is what you’ll be paid back when claiming.

Comprehensive Car Insurance may not make sense if the car's value is low, as the insurance cost may be more than the car's value. However, nothing beats the peace of mind you get or protection against third-party liabilities.

So yes, it’s well worth having comprehensive insurance for an old car.

What if my vehicle is stolen or written off?

The first step is not to panic; Comprehensive Car Insurance does offer a solution if you ever have a stolen or written-off vehicle.

Pineapple’s Policy Wording states that:

If the insured Vehicle is damaged, stolen or hijacked and not physically recovered, we will (after receiving the Excess) compensate the Policyholder for the loss or damage by means of one of the following:

a) repairing the Vehicle at a repairer acceptable to us

b) replacing the Vehicle (as explained below) or

c) paying the amount of the loss or damage.

And as mentioned in the above paragraph, unlike other insurance types, this coverage also allows you to insure your vehicle for its retail value.

Since the retail value aims to put you in the same financial position before a loss, you’ll receive a payout that will amount to that.

Therefore you can replace the car you lost with another vehicle with the money you receive.

And while that situation is being sorted out, we can offer a courtesy car to transport you from point A to B, making your life much easier. Just make sure you have this added to your policy beforehand.

Where to from here?

With prices seemingly rising every other day, can you afford to go without protection against financial loss in the event of an accident or theft, coverage for damages to your vehicle as well as third-party liabilities, an option for emergency roadside assistance, and insurance for natural and man-made disasters?

All while still trying to budget and keep your expenses low. In this economy?

Thankfully you don’t have to do it alone because Comprehensive Vehicle Insurance is there to assist you with all that and more.

You’re also protected against rising inflation and still have the option for add-on covers for enhanced protection (e.g. car hire and credit shortfall). It doesn’t get more comprehensive than that.

And there you have it, a complete A-Z guide on all things Comprehensive Car Insurance, proudly brought to you by Pineapple Insurance.

Now you know all there is to know, and that’s that on that, so what’s next? A quote, that’s what.

Click here for a car insurance quote; it only takes 90 seconds after all 👉  * CLICK *

What more could you ask for that we haven’t already provided?

Our policies are comprehensive, our premiums are competitive, and our benefits are as sweet as the fruit we’re named for.

Wow, you've actually read this far? Color us impressed! Now, do something unpredictable – get a quote! Trust us, it's the least regrettable decision you'll make today. Go on, surprise yourself (and us)!

Pineapple (FSP 48650) is underwritten by Old Mutual Alternative Risk Transfer Insure Limited, a licensed Non-Life Insurer and authorised FSP. T&Cs apply. Premium is risk profile dependent.

Please Note: The information provided above is for informational purposes only; you should not construe any such information as legal or financial advice.

Team Pineapple

Team Pineapple comprises our company’s top talents, who are dedicated to creating clear, high-quality content on essential vehicle insurance topics. This diverse group, including actuaries, accountants, data scientists, and insurance professionals across South Africa, collaborates to produce enlightening and empowering articles.

Each piece is thoroughly researched, factually accurate, and rigorously reviewed to ensure quality.

*We say they’re the finest because we want them to keep writing for us!

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Please Note: The information provided above is for informational purposes only; you should not construe any such information as legal or financial advice.

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